
What time do you eat dinner?

Today I'm off to Sweden and tomorrow night I'm planning a dinner for me and my girlfriends in Stockholm. Me and 10 of my girls will go out and eat thai dinner together and now I'm trying to book a restaurant... But for what time?

This was a problem I had already when I lived in Sweden many years ago and every time I go back to Sweden the argument comes up.

Today I was told normal dinner time in Sweden is at 6pm =18.00. I remember it being early but not THAT early, 6 pm!? Here in Italy I normally eat at 9pm and I think that is quite normal here? I like it. In London I normally ate already at 8pm which might be even better but with the job I do here in Milan I can't eat until after 9pm so I got used to it.

My colleagues believes that north europe eats earlier because it's getting dark so early in the winters. But how come they still eat so early also in the summers then? What have made this difference that the south europeans eats so much later than the ones from the north?

My colleagues are laughing so tears comes out about the 6pm dinner time as for them it's uncredible. In the end the deal for tomorrow is that I will try to book for 7pm! :)

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  1. you are invited to follow my blog

  2. voi svedesi siete pazzi, cena alle 18 mamma mia. In settimana mangio verso le 20-20.30 e nel weekend dopo le 21. Penso siano orari normali, no?

  3. Southern countrys eat later because of the heat in the summer.
    I would say 19 is normal in sweden.


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