
Questions to me

Mention something that made you happy yesterday: To be able to spend time with both my mum, my dad and Erika in the same day!

What did you do at 10am this morning: I got up and had breakfast with Francesca

What did you do one hour ago: I was drinking tea and talking to Sofie

What was the last thing you said loud: Buona notte to my flatmate Luisa

What was the last thing someone said do you: Luisa said buona notte ;)

What have you been drinking today: Im not a big drinker... juice for breakfast, a coffee at work, some water with my lunch, a tea with Carlos and Nadia and then tea with Sofie tonight.

What was the last thing you ate: Pepparkakor - Swedish cookies

What was the last thing your bought: A cup of green tea this afternoon at work

What colour is your underwear: pink

What weather is is outside: It was stopped raining but it is still cloudy and boring

Favourite ice cream: Italian lemon icecream

How tall are you: 156 cm

Do you believe at love at first sight: Hmm... yea maybe but it never happened to me!

Do you sleep heavily: yes! I love sleeping!

Do you have nightmares: Very rearly

Do you like your job: I know people wants me to say no but the truth is that I love it!

Favourite clothes: Small black dress and high heels

Favourite song at the moment: Loca - Shakira

What do you see if you look at your right side: My DVD movies

What makes you happy: Happy people!

What are your plans for tomorrow: Translation work, food shopping, washing clothes, work at rinascente and in the evening I hope to go out dancing!!

Left or right handed: right!

Your mood right now: Irritated as I lost my keys

Favourite candy: Swedish "lösgodis" mix

What are you wearing right now: Black leggings and a grey t-shirt

Plans for next summer: Wanna spend some time in Sweden, some time in south Italy or Sardegna and I also would like to go away somewhere else... dreams... :)

How many pillows do you have in your bed: Three big ones and two small

Can you play any instruments: Yes the flute. Used to be able to play the piano but guess I forgot about that ;)

Are you a morning or a night person: NIGHT!!

What is most important for you: To be happy!

Do you like sleeping in the same bed as other people: Very good friends or my boyfriend yes, otherwise NO!

Are you afraid of the dark: No

Your weigh: 42 kg

Worst bug: Spiders! Can´t stand them.

What are you longing for right now: The weekend! Especially because I gonna work the whoooole weekend... haha.

Finally done! Now I gonna sleep. Buona notte!



  1. Johan Andersson20/11/2010, 02:39

    sometimes it feels this blog is all for me; that u wanna show me such a great life u have and I dont; how many bloody friends u have; how much u travel; that u can dress extremly well and I dont; ur perfect body without ever go to the gym and I train all the time and look not half as good as u. I get pissed off to read it; u got it all and I got nothing. Fuck off. I hate u and I will never read ur blog again.

  2. Johan, Ive read ur email and comment many times not. Dont know what to say as I dont know u. I feel sorry for what u say and for how u feel. I dont have it all, absolutely not! I just make the best of what I got and that is what u should do too.

    Im quite fed up of ur comments on this blog so I would not mind u leaving it alone and especially if it makes u depressed... I wish u all the best!

  3. I feel like commenting on this one, even if it proabably isn't any of my business: why would Marliina be writing a blog just to annoy someone else? It's sad if her way of life has such a sad impact on Johan, but it isn't her fault that he is feeling bad. We all have just one life that we are responsible of: our own. If you are having problems with yours, you should take a good look at it and try to figure out what you can do differently, instead of hating others.
    Frederick Keonig once said: “We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”

    Marliina, you keep up the good work :)

  4. Thanks for your nice words Zsuzsi, very appreciated!

    Johan, you keep making me confused... But I promise to answer your e-mails tomorrow.


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