

It's Monday!! New week, jippi yeeey!!
I can't remember being this happy because it's Monday before, but today I am! I woke up feeling releif and glad, new week and everything is back to normal.

The weekend was wierd... Feelings pumping my head to its limit and I couldn't neither think clear or sleep properly. But tonight I slept very well! The main reason for the distruction left the country and now my life is back to normal. Sad in one way but for me it's good!

Time to go and withdraw a cheque with my April's sallary (I'm a bit late), then I gonna try to open an Italian bank account. Outside it's 32 degrees and a lovely blue sky and I really don't fancy doing all this boring things but I really have to. Not to mention that I need to hand in my exam (hemtenta) before midnight - I almost forgot about it =S

Have a great Monday folks :)


1 comment:

  1. Johan Andersson25/05/2010, 01:39

    Varfor sa javla depressed Majja? Du lever ett liv alla andra kan dromma om sa passa pa att njut sa lange det varar.

    Exkexet finns dar ska du se. Den micromannen far du nog till slut ska du se, nar han kommer till insikt. Men du ar vard nagot battre... och storre. Mohahaha.


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