
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

I have now read the third and last book of the Hunger games Trilogy. The original title is Mockingjay, I read it in Swedish and it is called "Revolt".

This book starts of with lots confusing events, twists and turns and I guess it would be impossible to understand anything of it if you haven't read the other two books. As I had a gap of few months in between the second hunger games book and this one it took me some pages to get back on track and remember the story. Hmm, not a good start. But then the book gripped me and I happily read it all.

I really much enjoyed the first hunger game book while the second was still good but more of a disappointment. The third was nothing like the other two. The personalities were the same but I was waiting for a "hunger game" to start but it never did... There were some horrifying and intriguing scenes that made me kept reading but I must say I was expecting more from it.
One nice thing was that I felt it was easier to relate to Katniss, the lead character in this book. All she has and is going throw is terrible and I felt for her throughout the whole book.

I would like to add that I believe Suzanne Collins being a very good writer despite all. She has come up a totally original story and created a complete own world. The whole trilogy was for me unique, an action packed story nothing like anything else I have ever read. Maybe because it is my type of books, who knows. But I liked them a lot.



  1. I love people with lots of DIFFERENT kinds interests and you do lots of things. great job!

  2. what a funny little man looking at you behind your head

  3. I loved the whole trilogy - though the second book is without a doubt my least favorite of the three!

    The move was just awful. They should have gone a little lighter on the CGI and focused on the story!


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