Celebrated New year eve with my boyfriend in Italy, Como. Came back to London few days later and felt my time in London had come to it's end. A week later, lots of long talks with my mum, my boyfriend and friends the decision was taken - I would leave London and follow my dreams to Italy. Another week later me and my boyfriend broke up and I knew a new life was starting... Met someone special and also had lots of very good friends around that helped me to keep my head up straight. Strange month.
New Years eve 2009/2010 - unaware what the new year would bring...
New year - new start
Lovely lovely friends in London - I miss you sooo,,,
Decided Milan would be the point of my future, I resigned from work and felt happier than ever. Packing, packing & Packing! Planning, planning & planning. Friend, guys and parties. Flying on and of to Sweden to leave and organize things. The year's shortest month ended before I realised it started.
Best friends in Stockholm
Last day as the payment executive at Gala Coral.

The girl evening I will never forget :)
Last dinner with my flatmates after more than two years in the same house.
February ended and the crazy girl was born.... just look ;)
First two weeks of the months were my last two weeks in London. Sadness and happiness. Met my lovely friends as much as possible, orginized the most amazing leaving party at home and also a nice leaving dinner. Then I was off. Landed at Malpensa the same gate I left with t
ears two months earlier but this time with a big smile on my face - Milan here I come.
Valentina took care of me like an adoptive child the first week and then it was up to me to create my life. Moved in with Luisa and Francesca and started my Italian school. Francesca ended up being my first friend in Milan, even if she didn't speak english and I didn't speak Italian we manage to communicate in our own way. In school I also met my sweet friends Una, Merve and Sofie. My life in Milan started off in a good way!
My lovely Ida
My GREAT leaving party!
Last evening in London - dinner out with friends,
Hej, en väldigt härlig blogg med en massa fina bilder! Jag undrar fall du bestämt dig för att bo permanent i Italien eller är du bara där tillfälligt?
ReplyDeleteJag är själv väldigt inställt på att flytta till Italien, vill både lära mig språket plugga vidare till något. Sverige är ju ett sånt tryggt land så det är svårt att ta det där första steget. Jag sitter och funderar mellan Sverige och Italien, man har ju hört att Italien är ett fint land men inget land man ska bo i då saker inte funderar som dom ska. Kan inte du skriva ett inlägg som handlar om Sverige och Italien, både för och nackdelar. Det skulle vara till stor hjälp.
Tack på förhand / Lisa