
My motivation for getting back to work after the holiday

It was quite funny... yesterday I felt slightly sad being back in Milan after the amazing holiday. I could have given anything for staying one more week down the south for more days at the beach but everything good has an end and it was time to go back...

This morning when I turned on the TV the first thing that appears on the screen is a psychologist talking about the different parts of getting back to "normal" after the holidays and on the train to work my colleague said the same thing. I am glad to see that I am not alone.

However I am now walking home from work feeling happy. I got in to work this morning finding an overfilled inbox and messy desk and felt tired just seeing it but the organized side of me fixed it all.

First of all I had a massive breakfast with lots of energy to keep me focused. I also took a long walk before heading on the train to work to get some fresh air and get the body warmed up. Arriving in the office planned my day very carefully. What had to be done and what can wait for the next coming days. I organized my desk quickly to feel more free and then started off looking through my e-mails and deleted as many as possible to get the number look smaller to feel less stressed. my I ticked of the easier tasks and problems in the morning that got me feeling good about myself and got more motivated to kick off the more difficult (and boring) problems in the afternoon. I had a nice lunch in the garden with my colleagues and celebrated with a refreshing ice tea afterwards (I normally never drink sugared things during my work weeks but I made an exception. Fresh fruit would had been great too but I didn´t get it.

Another motivation tip is to think positively about the future. What will I be able to do? I have already made plans of getting my own business studies up and running again and I also have written a list of things I wanna learn at work - and I know my colleagues are more than happy to teach me and give me new difficult tasks and responsibilities. To start thinking and planning for the next holiday can also be a good thing to feel happier.

However, good organization and planning, time management and future goals are my recommendations to keep myself motivated. Do you have any other tips to share?

I was actually happy being back to work today. I feel I have a good job week ahead and tonight I gonna plan my next mini holiday - next weekend away! The sun is shining as always and now I am off to the gym - the next thing many people need to find good motivating to get back to.... ;)


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