
Different step training

Today when we were slightly less people at the body killing training class "body burn and sculpty" the instructor let us try the weird step thingy I so many times have seen in one corner of the room. As you can see from the picture above it is round, it is a bit soft and can be used either as you see it or up side down which makes it slightly unstable to make you practice the balance. 

I don´t know what the round step thingy is called but I kind of liked it. It was much harder than a normal step as it was a bit soft and I enjoyed just jumping up and down on it. Felt like a jumping kid. Now my legs are dead but it was fun to try something new. 



  1. later ju helskoj!!!vilken fiiiiiin roooosa mobil en samsung va??aslacker!!!:o)

  2. I know this thing! When I did kayak we used to practice sitting on this on the ground rowing. All the guys fell off after five sec. I lasted for ten, actually :-)


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