

It's 00.05am, in other words its very early on Monday morning, even if I normally would have called it late Sunday night...

But I so want it to be Monday as it means the first two terrorizing job weeks of the year are over and also the exam is over and done. I spent the whole evening studying/ searching for the answers and in the end I did send the exam in 5 minutes before midnight. Internet died just before I was supposed to send it in and I paniced, but thanks god Luisa quickly borrowed me her pc for a while and Tobi in London helped to send the exam. Good collaboration.

However, I didn't answer all questions so I'm quite sure I won't pass it but at least I learned something on the way that will help me next time I have to do it and I feel that I've been good anyway. Not a single Italian I asked knew even one of the questions so it's a very advanced exam that obviously needs some more studying and research than I've been able to do...

Now I gonna sleep and tomorrow I gonna stay all day in bed and JUST RELAX. Can't wait!

Sent from my Nokia E71 mobile phone

1 comment:

  1. Forza INTER!!10/01/2011, 00:54

    Maryyy, m'hanno detto che finalmente vieni a Monza. Quand'è' che vieni? Ti faccio la guida io e dopo ti porto a cena al Giapponese più buono del mondo =)


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