Last night when I got home, around 00.30 am I realised I didn't have my keys. Don't have a clue where they are gone but I keep my fingers crossed they are at work somewhere. I take up my mobile to call my flatmate and realised the battery is dead. I knew my flatmate went to Armani club but I didn't have a clue when or if she would be coming home and I couldn't call to check... I could have taken a taxi and gone somewhere but the only three addresses I know here in Italy are to my grandmother in Rome, to my ex boyfriends parents in Como and to Miki. The first two were obviously out of the picture and I decided that I couldn't go to Miki at 1am in the morning without warning him so I was standing for an hour on the street until a lady let me into the house. (I was only wearing a sweater but suddenly I was glad I choose a warm jumper as the nights are chilly). Then I was sitting in the stairs for almost two hours before my flatmate Luisa came home, chocked to see me sitting alone in the stairs. Thanks god she came, otherwise I would had been sitting there all night long.
I felt so sorry for myself while sitting there, like the loneliest person on earth. Today when my friends hear about it they are all trying to help so now I feel much better but it was absolutely not a nice experience!
Åh nej haha. inte kul att stå utan nyckel!! Hoppas du hittade dom! :)