
Off for a well-needed Easter break

I have been very stressed lately. That is why my blogging has been crap... 

At work I am over loaded of work and sometimes I just reach the point where I stare at the piles of papers around me and the lists of things I have to do not knowing where to start and feel like panicking. 

The thing is I am one of those rear people that actually like my job quite a lot. I like what I am doing, who I am dealing with and who I am having around me. So I want to contribute in my best all best and when I feel that I can't manage it I stress out. 

Well, that was few words about my job I almost never talk about. Outside work I haven't done lots lately. I am tired and feel I need to rest so I pop down the gym and then try to relax and go to bed early to feel better the day after...

Tonight Silvia and I went to the power balance yoga. It was great. I felt I did good, trained well and relaxed throughout the whole course. I wish I could do yoga all evening as I always feel such relief afterwards but... I can't do it all days so I have to make the best of the times I go.

Tonight I have been packing. Tomorrow I am off to cold Sweden for Easter celebration with my family. And on Thursday I see all my lovely girl friends. I am so happy. And I gonna eat lost of yammi Swedish Easter candy as well ;-) 

I have decided (hope I am right) that the winter will be over in Italy when I get back after Easter so I have packed all my winter clothes with me and will only take summer things with me back. Had enough of the winter.

Good night sweeties.



  1. No work on earth is worth all the sickness the stress can cause. Take a deep breath and think about it.
    A big hug

  2. Hej Maria. Vad kul att du kommer till Sverige. Vi har det fortfarande lite kyligt men det är soligt och klart och på något sätt börjar man känna av våren. Att stressa är inte kul och det är inte bra för oss heller. Jag stressar också mycket inför artikelinlämningar och känner av det i hela kroppen. Jag brukar försöka gå ut och ta lite frisk luft i bara 2-3 minuter när det blir för mycket , bara för att släppa allt ett tag. Sen kommer jag in med nya krafter.
    Skickar en styrkekram och Glad Påsk.

  3. Yoga is the best for rebalancing and relieving stress!

    Have a fantastic time in Sweden.


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