
Gravity group training

For the first time in my life today I tried the gravity training. 

The gravity training system (GTS) is a kind of strange device (see pics above) which uses the own body weight to train the whole body in a kind of different way.

GTS builds body strength by working all biggest muscle groups together. The main propose is to stabilize the core, the abdomen and the back, and from that work also legs, arms and chest.

The exercises on the GTS says to create stronger and leaner muscles than normal muscle training as it encourage the muscle groups to work better together. And it is one of the best core training you can do.

I felt kind of lost in the beginning of the class but after maybe 15 minutes I got the trick and enjoyed it. It was hard, actually very hard for my legs that are not used to work out that hard. For my sore back it was great and my poor abbs will hurt a lot tomorrow for sure.

However, interesting, fun and different way of training!


1 comment:

  1. soooo cooooll... har jag aldri testat eller sett... haftigt gym du gar pa:o)


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