
Italian studies on my own

One other of my missions/goals for this autumn is to restart studying Italian. My idea is to study one hour a week, 30 minutes of grammar out of the very nice grammar book I got and then read in Italian for 30 minutes.

One hour a week is nothing, also because the half an hour reading can be done out of an interesting magazine before going to bed but it is important that I start getting used to read in Italian. For the half an hour of grammar I thought of doing one chapter a week, just reading the rules and then keep them in mind while speaking and ask my closest colleagues and friends to correct me if I am making mistakes.

I feel motivated with my one hour of Italian studies a week. I live in Italy and there is nothing I want more than learn the language at a very good level.

Tonight I started of easy and just read the first chapter of the verbs and now I gonna go to bed and read some intriguing articles.

Buona notte!



  1. Amore, ma non ti serve! Sei già bravissima!

  2. There are always ways to improve! :)

  3. Have you ever heard our Italian colleagues saying that we speak better than them? It is true!

  4. Oh, by the way, I have some nice and easy Italian books if you feel like reading one...


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