
International Women's Day in Italy

Today it the international women's day! International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future.

Here in Italy it's celebrated a bit differently from for example London and Sweden. When I lived in Bologna I don't remember celebrating it at all except from receiving few mimosa flowers from friends. Here in Milan many girls are celebrating it by organizing dinners and parties just for girls; some restaurants and night clubs are only open for girls until a certain hour and everything is discounted for girls. In Sweden it would be called discrimination. In Italy it's the only day of the year when the woman is more important than the man, so they better celebrate....

I've been organizing so many girls night out since I'm here in Italy but I just don't fancy doing it on the day when I'm supposed to. I save it for another occasion! :)

Happy women's day anyway to all my sweet girl friends around the world!!
Have a great day - because you're worth it!


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