
Job lunches

Italy might not have as many working benefits in comparison to Sweden. But few actually does exist!

One of them is that most Italian companies pay for your every day lunch.

When working for Givenchy they gave me daily "lunch ticket" that I could use either at one of the nearby restaurants, in the employee restaurant or when buying food at the supermarket. As my salary wasn't that high at the time I saved lots of money using the tickets for all the food shopping I did and then I brought with me lunch boxes with home made food every day.

Instead where I am working now we have the lunches paid at one of three choices of restaurants in the area. A Mojito bar opposite the street serving nice sandwiches, salads and other quick dishes. Or we have kind of a self service restaurant employee restaurant just below the office where we got lots of eat. Or my favorite choise, is a family owned restaurant where an old couple is cooking homemade Italian food. I just love it. In there I have tried special Italian dishes I had never heard of before. They have a good range of daily choices including pasta, meat and fish dishes.

I eat lots every day for lunch and 9 times of 10 the food is perfect.


1 comment:

  1. Water: 1 room temperature plastic bottle, 2 plastic bottle cold, 2 room temperature glass bottle, 2 cold glass bottle. Got it?!


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