
Cinema - Life of Pi

I have very high expectations yesterday when Torri and I walked down to the cinema five minutes from where  I live to see the new movie "Life of Pi". It has god such high votes everywhere and as I knew it was about nature and animals I thought it would be the movie of the year...

The first disappointment was the cinema itself. All cinemas in centre of Milan are historical and beautiful but crap in the function of being a cinema.

The second disappointed was that this historical cinema didn't have the movie in 3D which I was hoping for so we decided to see it in 2D instead.

Third disappointment was the movie itself. Over two hours long and it didn't really make sense. The nature images was amazing and for sure they would had been very fascinating in 3D but the story... It didn't really give anything. I was hoping for good friendship with the animals. But no. I was hoping for some love. But neither that. I was hoping for some action. Nothing. The movie was just long and it didn't give me anything and Torri agreed on that.

My rate:
( m m m )



  1. We saw the movie in 3D and it was amazing for the effects. For the rest we had the same feeling, it just somehow doesn't mean anything. No moral teaching, no conclusion, nothing. It's nice but that's it.

  2. I read this book in german and wanted just compare the movie with this novel :) We watched "Life of Pi" in 3D and it was worth it. And almost every important content from the book has been filmed but somethimes dialogs in the movie were different as in this book ;)) It's a pitty that you coudn't watch this movie in 3D ;(

  3. Oh I bet the book is good. I actually regretted not reading it before seeing the film...


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