
Earthquake in Milan

Just 10 minutes after I got into the office this morning the whole building suddenly starting shaking. I was talking to my colleagues about the great night at Cost yesterday when it started and I just frooze, got chocked. Everyone rushed to the window but me and my Swedish colleague took our jackets and run out on the street.

It was over in just few seconds but it was a really terrible experience. I have never felt an earthquake before and couldn't really understand what was going on....

Reading the Italian news (click here) I discover that the real earthquake was in the Emiglia Romagna area and spread all around north Italy. It mostly spread fear around the cities as no one is hurt and nothing has got destroyed but for sure it was a scary start of the day!



  1. tack for alla sota kommentarer de maaste va askul o bo i milan!! im following.. x

  2. Ja i fortsättningen kommer jag definitivt tänka mer på vad som packas ner och skaffa extra försäkring om värdet överstiger 10 000! Jag menar bara sminket man har kostar ju ofta flera tusen om man börjar räkna!

    Usch vad läskigt med jordbävning! Tur att ingen kom till skada...

  3. ush va lebbigt med jordbavning ush o fy stackare kramis kramis :o)


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