
Aussie Miracle Moist

Always in the winter I get very dry and thursty hair and I struggle to keep it soft and shiny. But this year I bought a schampoo and conditioner when I was in London that really came in handy and has helped me keeping my hair nice until now. My dry hair juts drinks up this conditioner in the minute that I leave it on and even when blow drying it I see the difference as it dries faster and it leaves me with a shiny, softer and bouncier hair. All Aussie products always smell amazing aswell! Too bad they don't sell them here in Italy...

From the site:
For everyday moisture guaranteed
If your hair is dry and damaged, this is like an oasis in the desert. Parched hair drinks up the moisture, leaving it smooth and soft. Miracle Moist may not change your life, but it’s a good start!
We’re just nuts about Macadamias!
The Queensland Macadamia nut is bursting with rich, nourishing oils and we’ve cracked a few into this little beauty. Miracle Moist is proven to have a miraculous effect on dry hair, locking in moisture and making it look and feel rejuvenated.



  1. Hej. Om jag inte har fel så tror jag det finns att köpa på Åhlens i Stockholm. Ska kolla upp det, hittar jag det ska jag absolut testa det. Tack för tipset. Kram

  2. Det finns i Sverige om du vill köpa här. Säkert dyrare än i London dock. Strax under hundralappen per flaska.

  3. Jo vi pratade väl om det på middagen... Jag såg det också på Åhlens men det kostade lite mer än dubbelt så mkt som i London.... Aja, bättre än inget och det är helt klart värt det!


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