
Gym, spa and cinema day

Today is a bank holiday day here in Milan. We're celebrating Sant'Ambrogio (in English known as Saint Ambrose) which was a bishop of Milan who became one of the most influential ecclesiastical figures of the 4th century. He was one of the four original doctors of the Church.

I spent the morning at home and after lunch me and Luisa took off to GET FIT GYM AND SPA where we spent 1,5 hour in the gym training every part of the body and afterwards we relaxed in the fantastic spa they got. Very nice!

Tonight Torri first helped me food shopping at a mega big supermarket and then we went to the cinema to see Fabio Volo's new film "Il giorno in più". It is a romantic comedy movie made after the famous book with the same name. Ironically enough the movie talks about a couple where one partners is moving to New York for work and how they handle that situation........ It was a nice movie and now I would like to read the book too.

Good night!



  1. super duper harligt hihi sant behover man ju ibland eller hur hihii :o) kramis o trevlig helg

  2. jag skulle oxa vilja se alla de dar super romantiska italienska filmerna men forsoker jag ladda ner dem sa ar de helt pa italienska utan nagon text snyyyftis :o)


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