
True friends

Anna and I in Rimini July 2004

When the days are tough the need of a true friends get bigger. Those are also the days when you can start sorting out among your friends who is actually a true friend and who's not. Fake friends will be with you when you are happy since they want to share your happiness. But fake friends won’t be with you in difficult times. Only true friends will choose to be with you in difficult times.

Yesterday and the day before has been very hard days for me and it has been easy to see who's actually care and who doesn't. Yesterday after the gym I got home, had dinner with Luisa and after a quick shower I got to bed tired, sad and worried. That's when a really good friend of mine, Anna, pops up on skype and just says the words I needed to hear in that particular moment.

 "True friendship isn’t about being there when it’s convenient; it’s about being there when it’s not."

I went to bed still worried but feeling much better than before the skype call and that is when I realize how much a true friend means. Thanks my sweethearts for supporting messages, love you all!



  1. Fint skrivet! Jag tror på ett 7e sinne som känner av när något är fel med ens närmaste och det gjorde nog din vän.


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