
First spring day

To suddenly wake up, look out of the window to see the spring has arrived gives the most wonderful feeling. Yesterday we got 19 degrees and a lovely sunshine so it was a perfect day to go for a very long walk and me and Torri did. We went to idroscali di milano and walked around for hours just enjoying the sun. It was very warm but just because it is still Februari we were still winter dressed, I remember that in 18 degrees in London, in maybe May, I would have walked out in just a mini skirt and with a light sweater and not in heavy winter boots and a woolly.



  1. ahh va harligt med 19 grader vilken lyx vi har sol med men inga sadana temeraturer far vanta till juni innan vi far 20 grader hihihi :o) hur gar det med jazz dansen??


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