
As men got testosterone they allowed to do whatever they want?

Today I spend half day at work arguing. A male colleague I haven't been working in Rinascente last few months comes by and me and Elia (my colleague) starts talking to him and ask how he's been and so on... He tells us that everything his fine, he's still with the same girl since 5 years and they live together since 3 years.... he goes on telling us that obviously he's having some fun appart his stable relationship and when he seems my sceptic eyes he gently explain that it's obvious that women have to be faithful but men can't.... they have testosterone so they have to be with some other girls outside his relationship from time to time as well, it's normal....

My colleague Elisa had to separate us as I wanted to slap him down..... and then people gets upset when I say I don't trust Italian men. But honestly, would a Swedish man ever say something like that? Even if he would think it, who's so bloody stupid that he says it.... to a woman. Jezez, I got upset. Not only because this idiot it brave enough to say it to my face but also because I know there are many more like him out there....

Anyway, after a quite chaotic day at work I spend the evening in a much more relaxing environment. Went for aperitivo with Torri at Fiat Lounge, a place close to Corso Como that I've actually never been before. Very nice place even if the food might not have been the best I've seen. Nice evening anyway, just what I needed after a day like that :)

Off to bed!



  1. Mohahaha hahaha hahaha I would love to know that guy. He is a genius. Best thing I ever heard so yes Swedish men would say it to. Mohahaha....

  2. you two would make a great couple, equally stupid!

  3. Ok, who is this J-A guy who keeps pestering you with his comments?

  4. ma noo mary, nn siamo tutti cosi.... we italian are good people; you have to stop think we are all lies and asholes. Ti prego giogia... Bacione. Buon san valentino tesorino.

  5. Parla il santo Marco.... Haha =P

    Anonymous; J-A is as anonymous as you, just that this person uses J-A as his nick. Don't have a clue who this annoying person is.

  6. Men are asholes. Sad but true.

  7. jezus christ what most stupied thing I ever heard

  8. That is interesting cuz I have heard the same bullshit talking in Italy as well... wonder how the mothers educate their sons in that old fashioned country...


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