
Lovely friends!

There is nothing on earth that means as much to me as when people I like shows that they care about me. I am a person that sometimes need lots of effection and I can get extremly disappointed when some people (friends/boyfriends/parents) are not there for me when I need them!

Today I had a bad day, or actually I guess it started already on Saturday evening.... when I started thinking.... what is important in my life? The answer is family, friends, love and work! What have I got here in Italy, almost nothing.
Obviously, I've been here five months, and I know I manage to get much more than many other people would had been able to. I got a job after just two weeks and I manage to get lots and lots of friends in just few months. But when I start thinking about these friends, it's only one I can call a true friend. Someone I know I can talk to when I need her and that I know really cares about me. One! I obviously met many other nice people too but I also met lots of strange people, selfish and ignorant people. They say swedes are cold and maybe we are but milaneesers are worse, for sure. I guess Italy was not really what I thought it would be...

I could go on writing forever, but I think I gonna stop here. I'll write about my thoughts about Italy another day.

I just wanna thank you all for the lovely comments, e-mails and phone calls this evening.

Also thanks Luisa for a chilled girl evening with healthy food, movies and girl talk :) Just what I needed!

Now I gonna go to bed, tomorrow if a new day and it's gonna be a good day!



  1. Stellina, ho sentito che vuoi lasciare il nostro bellissimo paese. Nooooo, dai bellezza resta qui con noi! Sei troppo simpatica. Mi mancherai tantissimo. Ti chiamo domani, devi cambiare idea! ;)
    Notte piccolina, baci.

  2. After rain comes sunshine. We all need to have days in tears sometimes, otherwise we'd be robots. Dont give up babes, ur in italy where ur ment to be. Kepp strong.


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