
Fashion marketing exam done!

First exam is over and done. Finally. I was quite stressed about it.

Actually I am not used to study anymore. My study technics are not as good as they used to be and I find it harder to concentrate when studying. I guess I need to get used to it to be back on track.

A positive aspect of studying after so many years of working experiences is that now, what I read and learn can be seen in a different point of view. I understand it from a company's side and not only learning theories from a book. It becomes much more interesting and enjoyable. 

The course in Fashion marketing was just "a funny thing". I wanted to start off my master year of studies in a fun way so I choose the course that most of all attracted me - fashion - obviously. It is part of the master level of business from the marketing perspective but I can say it was more about fashion theory than business marketing. However, very interesting!

The exam went quite ok I think. But I was disappointed when I didn't know one question at all. I couldn't even guess. But I keep my fingers crossed that the professors will be satisfied with my other 9 answers. 

After the exam I had a nice lunch at my mum's place. 

Then a coffee the Italian way with Dario. 

After that I pushed all my energy and anger out in a body pump class. It felt so good. 

The long day was ended in Cicci's place cooking a lovely chicken tiki marsala, listening to Italian music and talking summer memories. 


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