
You need to pay to collect mashrooms in the Italian forests...

In Italy, If you wanna go out a sunny autumn day in the forest and collect some mushrooms you first need to apply and pay for a "mushroom permission card". This cost in between 20-50 Euro. It is really against the Swedish "rights of common" (allemansrätt) which give everyone free rights out in the nature...

I found out as I said that today, a beautiful sunny autumn day, would had been great for a spontaneous mushroom collecting day in the forest but obviously that can not be spontaneous at all in Italy as you need to apply weeks before for the permission, pay the fee and get the card.

I keep wondering where all the money the Italians are paying in high taxes, extremely high costs for traveling on Italian highways and the permission fees that they pay for whatever they wanna do end up?



  1. Hej. Tror allemansrätten är ganska unikt för Sverige så Sverige har ju sina fördelar med. Synd bara att vi snart får snö medans ni fortfarande sitter i t-shirt på uteserveringarna.:)

  2. Vi har 16 grader kallt och min dunjacka är redan framtagen. Kvällarna med t-shirt på uteserveringarna är förbi för detta året, sorry :)

  3. Helt galet! Shit, allemansrätten är verkligen en bra grej :) Jag plockar mycket godsaker i skogen :)

  4. Jag tror aldrig jag plockat en svamp i hela mitt liv men du anar inte vilken lust jag att ge mig ut i skogen och plocka svamp idag... Ideen att jag inte får irriterar mig, galet löjlig lag!

  5. Maybe becase if 60milions Italians pick mashrooms there would be no left. In sweden there are little people so you can do it


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