
The final of the apprentice Italy

The finalists Matteo and Francesco
The Italian apprentice has not been half as good as the English or the American ones.... Exactly like X factor it just doesn't manage to reach the levels of UK or US. However it has been entertaining and interesting to follow the apprentice candidates though their achievements to reach the title. Two of my favorites reached the top three place, the girl was kicked out on third place and the guy went on to yesterdays final....

In the final we had one business man (Francesco Menegazzo) with a top business degree and experiences working internationally (in London) in investment banks ecc. The other one (Matteo Gatti) was a perfect sales man but without any university degree and with no English skills at all. 38 years old career person that doesn't know a word of English? And he happened to think Hong Kong was a Japanese city and he didn't even know the capital of Japan....  You can imagine who I supported in the final? For a while I actually thought the selling guy would win as showed more personality and slightly more energy but I am glad that in the end Flavio Briatore (the Boss) chose the bank trader Francesco. A 29 years old highly intelligent and motivated guy. I am sure he will be doing a great job worth the massive amount of money he will be earning.

The last three episodes has been fun and interesting and now I am quite sad it is already finished.

Time to rush to work!



  1. I haven't followed the show as already the Martha Stuart version made me upset with that woman Brittany.
    But it's amazing that a "serious" businessman at 38 doesn't speak ANY foreign language. Shouldn't these people be ambitious? And how comes it doesn't bother him that the only English word he knows is Coca Cola?! No, he should definitely not win. Not for the lack of knowledge but for missing an important thing: the drive for going forward each day.


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