
Back in the Saddle

Me in my last minute riding clothes invention 
"My" pony Sprite.

Another cute pony
Today I have been doing something that has been in my dreams for many years... I have gone riding. I have three riding lesions booked at stable "La Coccarda" and today I had my first which was amazing.

I got a slightly tired pony but had the time of my life anyway. The level of the group was quite low but it was good so I slowly could remember my horse riding skills. I had forgot how hard it was to go riding, after just 10 minutes both me and the horse I was sweating but I think I could talk for both of us when saying we had fun together. Next time I go there the instructor wanted to put me in an much more advanced group and I am already feeling a bit scared.

But riding is something very special. A good collaboration between yourself and the horse is such fantastic feeling not many things in life can beat. I have been missing going riding since I stopped in January 2006. It might sound ridiculous in many peoples ears but my life will never be complete without horses and riding being part of it

Now my legs and but are aching like never before and I am tired to death. But equally happy.

I am sorry for not having more photos to share. The camera decided it was on strike when being at the stable to these three crap pictures are the only ones I got.



  1. Hej. Vad kul att du fick rida till slut, du har ju pratat om det länge. Men visst är det en hård träningsform absolut. Vore kul med fler blider nästa gång. Kram från ett väldigt kallt Stockholm

  2. Oh, it would be so nice to go to ride a horse! I've done it only a couple of times but I did love it. I was just very worried that I was too heavy for the horse :-)


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