
First Sunday of the year

Today has been a very relaxing and nice Sunday. I say "has" as it feels like it is already over as outside it is already dark as in the middle of the night. 

I woke up late after sleeping over 10 hours. I got up and got myself a big breakfast, ate it, read todays news, put on a facemask and got back in bed reading for a couple of hours. I felt so tired that I could had stayed in bed all day but instead I managed to get my training clothes on and went to meet my personal trainer Andreas for a quick coffee before we together headed to my favorite body balance class. I joined Andreas for his crossfit class the other day so he promised to join to the body balance and he did, and he liked it... 

Body balance is a class with 90% women which consists of few strengths exercises, lots of flexibility, some balance and 5 minutes of total relax. I didn't expect a gym pumping guy to like it but I am glad he did.

Now I gonna get ready to go out for a drink. Today is my last day of "holiday" as tomorrow I will start focusing on my little project. 


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