
Pizza with a very good friend

Bad news got worse today. I feel empty and comfused. I can't understand what is happening. I just want to wake up of this bad dream and everything should get back to normal, like it was before, like it has been my whole life... But unfortunately that's not gonna happen and it all I can feel is pain.
Tonight I wanted to be alone, in bed, just to cry. But instead I met up with my very good friend that made me smile for a while. I ate a good pizza and felt slightly better when walking home from the pizzeria.

Thanks Steppy for being wonderful!



  1. stackare vad har hant???? beratta!!! massa kramisar

  2. Stackare. Hoppas allt löser sig på bästa sätt! Kram

  3. wow beautiful your friend and yummy food. that's delicious look. sweet posting


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