
When the heat gets a health risk

I'm off to work, walking as always. I feel it's warm and as it's also very humid it's easy to sweat a lot but I don't feel bad. I eat and drink as normal and I don't stay in the hot sun too long if I'm not by the pool or something and in that way I can handle it without changing my lifestyle.

Some of my Italian friends and colleaues don't seems to be able to handle it that good though. Some just refuse to get out after 10am or before 22pm and every time you hear from them they complain of the heath, a bit ridiculous in my eyes, but maybe what I do in the winter?

However, this morning they warned on the morning news that old people and people with health problems should not get out during the days at all.... well well, I'm happy we still got summer while in "my" other countries are already autumn. No doubt I love the summer, the sun and warm temperatures and not the winter, the snow or cold weather :)



  1. 20 grader och sol hemma. Skönaste sensommarvädret ;)

  2. Mohahhahaa, waaaaaaaar!!!! En riktig vän ska dock inte behöva hävda sig så fort hennes kompis har något som är bättre. Förstår mig inte på tjejer.......... Love and hate friendship, har alltid varit och kommer alltid bestå. Muy interesante.

  3. Har du inte blivit av med det där rikspuckot ÄN! Stackare. Man får visst inte ens tycka olika om man är vänner. Rikspuckot måste ha jättefå vänner i så fall. Så trist för honom.


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