
Hello Sunday!

I find it so sweet when some of you sends me e-mails when I don't post anything on the blog for some days. I really get emotionally touched that people that I don't even know cares about me, it's just amazing. 

I don't have a good reason for not updating the blog for some time, I have just been very busy. It has been a hectic week with hard decisions to take, many interviews to attend, tests to do, people to meet and keeping up with my training. 

Friday was a quite bad day, I got bad news and was in a really bad mood the whole day. Not even my favorite zumba class managed to share me up, then you can get it was a really bad day, heh? Thanks god for my parents and my friends Zarah, Cicci and Niklas that did all they could to cheer me up and managed made me end the day with a smile on my face before heading to bed. 
In the evening I went to the cinema for the premier of Frozen in 3D. I don't have a clue why it came out this late on the cinemas in Sweden as UK and Italy released it long before Christmas. However in Sweden the premier was this Friday and obviously I had tickets to it. I have been waiting for that movie since Luisa visited me in November and told me how fantastic the film was. Unfortunately my expectations were to high and I got a bit disappointed, but it was sweet and gave me some good laughs.   

Yesterday was a much better day. I started it off with a good body pump class at Globen. Then I went to town shopping some things I need for my upcoming ski trip and I also managed to meet up Dario and Elisa for a lovely fresh mint tea at Cafe Schweizer. I had never been to that place before but it immediately jumps in on my toplist for coffee places in Stockholm. 

In the evening Cicci and I had a tacco dinner and watched the first quarter final of the Swedish eurovision song contact. I can admit that I expected nothing from it and maybe therefor I was happily surprised that I liked the show. Or actually I hated the show itself with bad tv presenters and crap jokes but the artists and the songs were really good. It was a great mix of music styles, voices, clothing and performances.

Today its Sunday and its raining outside so I guess Stockholm will loose all the beautiful white snow we have been having for some time. Too bad, because this week coming I have two Italian visitors coming to Stockholm and I would have loved to show them a snowy Stockholm...


1 comment:

  1. Pleased to hear you are well. We are all having our bad days and I can get that you don't fancy sharing details with all of us. Best of luck and talk to you soon.
    Your deb


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