
Why do Sundays go so fast?

Before moving home to Stockholm a Swedish friend of mine tried to warn me about the boring Swedish Sundays. She has lived in London and just like me she was used to have very social Sundays - in London everyone meets up with friends to see the football games, go for long walks, have Sunday roast lunches, dinners or drinks together. Maybe all days are social days in London but Sundays are for sure a day when you meet with family and friends. 

Stockholm is different. Many restaurants are even closed as people don't tend to go out on Sundays. It is the day you relax at home, either alone, with a partner or family. My friend told me that she just hated the Sundays here in Stockholm as they made her depressed and gave a feeling of loneliness. 

After two and a half month here in Stockholm I know that she was right in her theory about what I would call "Stockholm's lazy Sundays" but I kind of like it. I prepared so well for these boring(?) and lazy Sundays that I now almost get annoyed if someone wants to go out on a Sunday evening - the one and only day I allow myself being lazy!

Yesterday I had a good Sunday anyway. I stayed home studying in the morning. Went for a sunny walk after lunch before I headed to the gym for a hard hour of body pumping. Studied some more in the afternoon before I went to N for a delicious dinner, another long evening walk and then sat down to watch the animated movie RIO. Suddenly it was already late and time for sleep and I tough that the (very good) day had passed far to fast.


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