
Stella, my new study mate :-)

This is Stella. My mum´s little star, and my "sister" :-)

Today Stella and I have spent the whole day together which actually is really cosy. 
I so much wish I could have my own little dog but as I am never at home and always around at different events and happenings I could absolutely keep a dog - here in Stockholm you can hardly bring your dog anywhere due to the allergy risk, sigh.

Unfortunately I have been forced to study (making a real audit plan) in a kind of conference call with my auditing group almost all day and I believe Stella thinks I am quite boring. But now I gonna bring her out for a walk around Söder and later Johanna is joining us for dinner. 



  1. that is so cute

  2. come stai cucciolina bellaaaa
    quando mi inviti a stoccolma?


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