
Challange day number 2

Back at the gym for another run! To say I gonna do it every day would be promising too much but I will try to go as much as possible. Also because 30 minutes are not that much so I manage to go to the gym, run, stretch, get home and have a shower all in one hour which is not bad at all...

Today I did more interval training (will do it for two weeks) consisted of one minute walking and five minutes running for 30 minutes. It means that in the whole end I only run 1 minute more than yesterday  but I persisted for longer every time... I know that 30 minutes it's nothing for a "runner" bur for me it is more than enough and my goal is to be able to run 30 minutes without any walking breaks at all!

Now my upper legs feels like dying and the text on the picture is so true, I feel like quitting but this is my challenge, my competition against myself so I will go one!


1 comment:

  1. Värsta trenden med löparutmaningar nu på sommaren. Jag hatar också att jogga men kanske ska hoppa på trenden 15 min 6 gånger i veckan, undra vad det ger? Du är duktig iaf!


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