It is Sunday and the weekend is already over, it just flew away and I haven't really done much. But I have relaxed and spent time with good friends and family and for sure I needed that after few days of turbulence.
On Friday I went to Amanda who's in Sweden a couple of weeks for an extraordinary evening, night and morning together. It was just Amanda, myself and her two kids. Billy is now 2 years old and Lucy 5 months, I can assure you that means hard work and great patience. But these two kids are adorable and I love to play around with them. I stayed over at Amanda's place so at 6am the morning after we got up, got ready and went out for a long walk in the morning sun.
In the afternoon I went to my mum's to celebrate Bosse's birthday. His birthday was last weekend when I was in Tallinn but as I was away my dad and I decided to celebrate him this weekend instead so we had a nice lunch everyone together.
In the evening Laura came over to my place and together we cried like two babies while watching the fantastic movie "A walk to remember".
This morning we had a big breakfast before Laura left and I went to my yoga. Tonight I have been to my first lesion in rope climbing which was very fun and interesting but I will write more about that another time.
Good night!