
Back blogging?

Don’t ask me why I stopped blogging. After six years of blogging regularly suddenly I felt I had nothing interesting to share…

While living abroad I shared “my life abroad”. Just the fact that I was living in another country; experiencing different  cultures felt special and worth sharing on a blog. I had an average 200-400 unique clicks on my blog per day and I had no clue who most of these people were. Scary? Fun? Then I thought the visitor number would drop when I moved to Sweden, how interesting could it be follow a “Swedish girl living in Sweden” but the number slightly raised and therefore I felt motivated to go on blogging for some months until I one day  woke up and haI totally lost all inspiration and motivation to go on sharing my life. So I stopped.

Friends and family have begged me to start blogging again. I even have got some e-mails from “strangers” saying that they miss my blogging. But I didn't want to. Until  the other day when my colleagues and I started talking about blogs in general I for the first time in a long time felt I kind of missed it so now I have decided to start it up again. Slowly. I won’t blog every day as I used to and maybe not even every week but I will keep my blog alive by adding parts of my life to it as I used to and I even feel excited about it :)

Just to give you a short resume of some news in my life… Since this spring I work as an accountant at the bank SEB. I am dating my love Christoffer and a couple of months ago we even moved in together, an important step in my life which so far feels great. My job and my relationship are two very important parts of me being very happy and satisfied with my life at the moment. On top of that I am extremely happy being around my friends and family that I missed so much while living abroad. Let say I am happy with my big and difficult decision of moving back to Sweden after 9 years abroad.

Well, from here I will start blog updating regularly again.


1 comment:

  1. Good to see you are back blogging. You are such a good looking couple on the photo. We wish you all the best for the future.
    Bisse and Hans


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